July 2012 archive

Beautiful Bio-Individuality

Bio-individuality: no diet works for everyone. One person’s fuel can be another person’s poison. The trick is learning to understand your body and what works for you. Trends, latest diet fads and quick fixes are not the answer to get glowing and radiant from the inside out. People have different body types, metabolic needs, dietary requirements and lifestyles. I love providing the right fit of tools for my clients so they can truly thrive. Be bold, be beautiful, be YOU.


A Glorious Green Wonder: Gorilla Life’s Green Drink

Loving Gorilla Life’s green drink! This green wonder is just delish and beyond refreshing for a hot day. The drink is made from 100% organic alfalfa chlorophyll. It contains eight essential enzymes that help clear your skin, strengthen your immune system, metabolize energy, assist in digestion and detoxify your blood! You can find this refreshing green goodness of a drink at Whole Foods. It’s a great afternoon pick me up. Try it, and see how you feel!
